Use of the Venturi effect to improve wind flow in silos used to dry corn in family farming

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Photo: MENEZES, Keyle Barbosa de

The main goal of the project is the conception of a new silo with improved air flow to dry newly-harvested corn cobs. Smallholders generally use silos that create strong resistance to room air flow, causing reduced grain quality. Studies indicate that the Venturi effect in drying silos could solve the issue of low air flow in such silos. The incorporation of the Venturi effect will be performed through a conic metal wall structure that will receive the wind on a more open wall. The wind will leave through a funneled exit, which produces increased end air flow and can improve the drying process. The narrow exit point will be directed and convergent to increase wind speed in the corncob drying process within small-sized silos used by smallholder corn farmers. The following parameters will be assess: silo drying efficiency with increased air flow, drying rate, decrease in contamination by microorganisms such as mold or pest attacks aimed at reducing losses during the drying process.This project expects to achieve the following impacts: increased smallholder income, improved quality and product food safety after the drying process, increased capacity, and drying silo maintenance. With the project results, higher sustainability through support to Uganda’s agricultural sector development program policy is expected, once the project will be integrated to National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)’s structure to ensure that the project goals and results can reach small-scale corn growers through sustainable public interventions in Uganda. This project is funded via the Marketplace call for projects.

Status: Completed Start date: Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016 Conclusion date: Thu May 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018

Head Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

Project leader: Murillo Freire Junior


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