Weighted single-step genome-wide association study and pathway analyses for feed efficiency traits in Nellore cattle.
Weighted single-step genome-wide association study and pathway analyses for feed efficiency traits in Nellore cattle.
Autoria: COSTA, M. F. O. e; MAGNABOSCO, C. de U.
Resumo: Abstract The aim was to conduct a weighted single-step genome-wide association study to detect genomic regions and putative candidate genes related to residual feed intake, dry matter intake, feed efficiency (FE), feed conversion ratio, residual body weight gain, residual intake and weight gain in Nellore cattle. Several protein-coding genes were identified within the genomic regions that explain more than 0.5% of the ad- ditive genetic variance for these traits. These genes were associated with insulin, leptin, glucose, protein and lipid metabolisms; energy balance; heat and oxidative stress; bile secretion; satiety; feed behaviour; salivation; digestion; and nutrient ab- sorption. Enrichment analysis revealed functional pathways (p-value<.05) such as neuropeptide signalling (GO:0007218), negative regulation of canonical Wingless/ Int-1 (Wnt) signalling (GO:0090090), bitter taste receptor activity (GO:0033038), neuropeptide hormone activity (GO:0005184), bile secretion (bta04976), taste trans- duction (bta0742) and glucagon signalling pathway (bta04922). The identification of these genes, pathways and their respective functions should contribute to a better understanding of the genetic and physiological mechanisms regulating Nellore FE- related traits.
Ano de publicação: 2021
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
Palavras-chave: Etapa única ponderada, Gado, Gado Nelore, Ganho de Peso, Ração residual
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