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It serves the fresh fruit market, producing fruit in the off-season. It can also be used for juice processing and essential oil extraction. Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2022 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
Query and decision-making support tool, based on the elaboration of cultivation scenarios for the following tropical grasses, cultivated in Brazil: Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximu ...Methodology: Computerized procedure Launch year: 2014 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Southeastern Livestock |
The Agricultural Technological Information Service (Infoteca-e) collects and provides access to information on technologies produced by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). T ...Product: Software Launch year: 2011 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture |
Cost-free web based information system which integrates ans consolidates Brazil's agricultural and livestock production and productivity (up to 6-year spam) data to facilitate trend analyses and d ...Product: Software Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Coastal Tablelands |
The AgroAPI Embrapa platform is geared towards the digital agriculture technologies market, enabling information and agricultural models generated by Embrapa and its partners to be accessed throug ...Product: Software Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture |
Production systems that combine crops with forestry and fruit trees in the same area, aimed at a more efficient use of natural resources. Arrangements of species, spacing and management dynamics are d Agricultural System: Production system with intercropping or polyculture Launch year: 2020 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Environment |
The tool provides, with mobile and friendly interface, real-time information, collected by an Automatic weather station (AWS) installed in 2009, in the Meteorological Station of Embrapa Temperate ...Product: Software Launch year: 2017 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture |
The AgroPragas Maracujá is an app that helps students, agricultural technicians, farmers, agronomists and researchers identify and control the main diseases and pest insects that affect passion fr ...Product: Software Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
The Environmental Impact Assessment System for Agricultural Innovation Technologies (Ambitec-Agro) consists of a set of multicriteria matrices that integrate technological innovation performance indic Methodology: Computerized procedure Launch year: 2002 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Environment |
The country's first andrological examination app. Under development since 2022, the new tool has the potential to improve beef cattle farming in Brazil, as it helps veterinarians select cattle bre ...Product: Software Launch year: 2025 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Beef Cattle |