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Eucalyptus production at the Paraíba do Sul river basin, in the Southern region of Brazil, is becoming an alternative for smallholders and medium farmers which aim to provide raw materials to paper and cellulose-industry companies. The land use and land cover pattern at the Vale do Paraíba region is undergoing changes, and the eucalyptus silviculture occupies an ever-increasing space over other agro-ecosystems, especially over pastures. GeoVale proposes a technical and scientific assessment o
...Status: Completed Start date: Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014
Author(s): RONQUIM, C. C.; SILVA, R. F. B.; FIGUEIREDO, E. B. de; BORDONA, R. O.
We studied the Paraíba do Sul river watershed , São Paulo state (PSWSP), Southeastern Brazil, in order to assess the land use and cover (LULC) and their implication s to the amount of carbon (C) store... ...