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O agronegócio é um dos pilares da economia brasileira e representa mais de 23% do nosso PIB. As bases que sustentam esse pilar são os chamados Recursos Genéticos, também definidos...
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Essa similaridade, sem precedentes na ciência mundial, é tema de artigo da revista Nature Genetics publicada em 22 de fevereiro de 2016. Cientistas do Brasil e de outros seis...
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Herbariums are scientific collections that keep samples of dried plants (exsicatas) from different ecosystems. The information contained in these places are basic sources for taxonomic, floristic, biogeographical, phenological and ecological studies, as well as providing data for the work on biodiversity, medicinal, toxic, fodder, food, among many others. In a simplified way, herbariums can be compared to archives, in which it is possible to collect diverse information about plants, such as habi
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016