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Os primeiros resultados de um estudo sobre gestão financeira da propriedade rural, realizado no Acre, foram divulgados na quarta-feira (8), durante reunião técnica com...
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Agroforestry systems (AFS) combine planting trees with agricultural crops or animal husbandry and are considered suitable production systems for the Amazon region because they reconcile agricultural production with the conservation of natural resources, which is a great challenge today.
This project intends to develop efficient agroforestry systems that are compatible with the Amazonian environment and that generate a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of rural producers ...
Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012
Author(s): OLIVEIRA, T. K. de; SA, C. P. de; OLIVEIRA, T. C. de; LUZ, S. A. da
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de caracterizar agronomicamente e avaliar, por meio de indicadores de viabilidade financeira, dois consórcios agroflorestais comerciais, busca contribuir com resultados té... ...