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Nanotechnological dressing is able to slowly release the active ingredient contained within it. The base of the developed product is curcumin, a substance obtained from turmeric....
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The researcher Francine Ceccon Claro, who developed a low-cost wound dressing that is based on pine nanocellulose for her master's degree project, received an international award...
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A Indústria Brasileira de Árvores (Ibá) divulgou, em 14/12, os vencedores da edição brasileira do Prêmio Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation Award, promovido pelo...
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A bolsista Francine Ceccon Claro, da Embrapa Florestas/UFPR, é finalista da etapa regional (Brasil) do Prêmio Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation Award 2020-2021, promovido...
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A química paranaense Francine Claro é uma das quatro finalistas indicadas pelo Brasil ao prêmio “Jovem Inovador dos BRICS”, que será entregue durante o 5th BRICS Young Scientist...
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It can work as a filter membrane that can remove contaminants like heavy metals, hormones and drugs from the water . Nanoproduct could also be raw material for intelligent labels...
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Carbopol, the most common alcohol-thickening agent, has become scarce. Thie new thickener developed in a partnership between Embrapa and Klabin is being produced on a laboratory...
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Embrapa Instrumentation (São Carlos, SP) and Bio Nano company researchers have started to test the production of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) on an industrial scale. From the...
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A study developed by Embrapa can considerably reduce the cost of producing bacterial cellulose, a natural polymer that is considered noble but is still industrially underexplored....
Publishing date: 02/07/19
Author(s): MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; CLARO, F. C.
A demanda por materiais sustentáveis com alta resistência mecânica vem aumentando nos últimos anos, devido a crescentes preocupações ambientais, visando a substituição de polímeros sintéticos por natu... ...
Author(s): MAGALHAES, W. L. E.; CLARO, F. C.; MATOS, M. de; LENGOWSKI, E. C.
O uso de nanoestruturas a partir de matériasprimas renováveis e biodegradáveis, como fibras lignocelulósicas, apresentam benefícios ecológicos e ambientais, além de apresentarem excelentes propriedade... ...