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A Embrapa Agroenergia foi fonte de dados e contribuiu para a formulação do projeto de lei que institui o Programa de Incentivo à Produção e ao Aproveitamento de Biogás, de...
Publishing date: 11/11/21
Technology combines biological and chemical processes to treat swine manure. Sistrates has been developed for ten years and removes carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from effluents....
Publishing date: 12/05/20
This project expands the partnership between Itaipi Binacional and Embrapa, generating new findings in technology research and transfer related to the production and use of biogas and biofertilizers. It will aslo support a previous contract between both companies to complement ongoing work at the Ajuricaba Basin Agroenergy Cooperative. The project will create alternative thecnologies to produce biogas and biofertilizers from the treatment and reuse of waste generated by milk production and by pi
Status: Completed Start date: Wed May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013
Author(s): AMARAL, A. C. do; CANDIDO, D.; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; TÁPPARO, D. C.; KUNZ, A.