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Lançamentos serão feitos no estande da Embrapa na Agrishow 2023 no primeiro dia da feira A Embrapa vai lançar em 1º de maio, a partir das 14h30, em seu estande na 28ª Feira...
Publishing date: 28/04/23
A Embrapa estará na 28ª Feira Internacional de Tecnologia Agrícola em Ação – Agrishow, uma das maiores feiras agrícolas no mundo, de 01 a 05 de maio de 2023, em Ribeirão Preto, SP....
Publishing date: 28/04/23
Peanut cultivar with a 135-day cycle and an average yield of 5,100 kg/ha, with suitable management. BRS 425 OL also performs well when it is sown late or when phytosanitary management is deficient. Th
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton
High-yield peanut cultivar adapted to mechanized cultivation. BRS 423 OL has an average-length cycle (125 days) and yield of up to 5,200 kg/ha, with adequate management and sowing at the beginning
...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton
High-yield peanut cultivar targeting table consumption and the food industry. BRS 421 OL is adapted for large-scale mechanized cultivation. With suitable management, it can reach a yield of up to 5,10
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton