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Hamburguer vegetal de fibra de caju
Hambúrguer vegetal à base de fibra de caju enriquecido com proteína texturizada de soja
Fibra desidratada de caju
Desidratação da fibra de caju para utilização em produtos alimentícios, 2014.
Science has obtained products whose texture, flavor and appearance is very similiar to foods from animal sources. Formula includes Amazonian ingredients such as dehydrated Yanomami...
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Cashew bagasse fibers which had its sugars and other low molecular weight compounds extracted in laboratory were able to inhibit obesity in rats on a high-calorie diet. The animals...
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Researchers have successfully tested a new alternative that can facilitate the use of cashew bagasse and other similar (lignocelullosic) materials in biorefineries. They were able...
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A Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical (CE) desenvolveu duas formulações para fabricação de hambúrguer tendo como principal ingrediente a fibra do caju – um coproduto abundante nas...
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The hamburger recipe contains plant ingredientes that are used to leave the product with sensory characteristics (texture, flavor and appearance) that are similar to hamburgers made from beef.
Product: Food Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Food Technology
Author(s): LIMA, J. R.; MODESTO, A. L. G.; COSTA, A. N. da; GARRUTI, D. dos S.; PINTO, G. A. S.; MAGALHAES, H. C. R.; ARAUJO, I. M. da S.; OLIVEIRA, L. M. V. de; VASCONCELOS, N. M.; MESQUITA, W. de S.