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O Diretor Executivo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Embrapa, Ladislau Martin Neto, esteve em Passo Fundo, RS, nos dias 13 e 14/10, para conhecer os trabalhos que estão sendo...
Publishing date: 16/10/14
Vídeo promocional - BRS Sabiá Embrapa Soja ...
Publishing date: 22/08/14
Ter em mãos sementes de trigo de elevadas produtividade e sanidade e com ciclo precoce são atributos sempre almejados pelos agricultores brasileiros. Essas características estão...
Publishing date: 21/08/14
Brazil annually consumes 10.5 million tons of wheat, half of which is produced in the country, which entails an approximate outlay of 800 million dollars in wheat imports. The high cost of production and the difficulties in the obtention of cultivars with technological qualities that meet market requirements are among the main limiting factors for the Brazilian wheat production chain. Out of all the cultivars available from all Brazilian breeders, about two thirds were created from germplasm
...Status: Completed Start date: Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012