Embrapa Amapá
Busca de Projetos
Intensive farming of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in water recirculation system integrated with cultivation of vegetables for the use of wastewater
This project proposes to evaluate and adapt technologies to integrate the intensive cultivation of tambaqui in a recirculation system to produce vegetables through the use of residual waters technology and the use of effluents. The technology diffusion activities have the partnership of extension agents from PESCAP (Amapá Fisheries Agency) and RURAP (Amapá Rural Development Institute) and producers. As results, it is expected to: 1) Strengthen institutional relations between Embrapa Amapá and extension organs of Amapá as PESCAP and RURAP, through the formalization of partnerships (cooperation contracts); 2) Adapt the residual waters technology using low-cost materials and native plants, which maintain water quality for intensive tambaqui cultivation; 3) Indicate stocking densities and adequated food management for intensive cultive of tambaquis in water recirculation system with residual waters technology in the growing and fattening phases; 4) Define good sanitary management practices for tambaquis grown in a water recirculation system; 5) Adapt methodology for the use of effluents from the intensive cultivation of tambaqui in recirculation in the production of biofertilizers and organic compounds, as well as define the dosages for application in the studied cultures; 6) Generate references on the technical and economic feasibility of intensive cultivation of tambaqui in a recirculation system and the use of its effluents in the production of vegetables. As socioeconomic impacts, it is expected to increase the supply of fish (tambaqui) in local trade; decreased dependence on fish imports from other states, new income opportunities, increased profitability of properties with the inclusion of new production activities (vegetables and fish farming). Among the impacts, there is a decrease in fishing pressure on tambaqui, expansion and development of aquaculture without the need for deforestation in new areas, reduction of effluent emissions from fish farming, reuse of materials in the generation of new products and inputs, possibility production of organic products with added value.
Ecosystem: Amazonic
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016 Conclusion date: Sun Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017