06/06/16 |   Forestry and silviculture  Natural resources

Researchers participate in international publication on tropical fruit trees

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Photo: Bioversity

Bioversity - Publication for sale either in print or as an e-book

Publication for sale either in print or as an e-book

The research center Bioversity International, which is linked to the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR), has just launched the book "Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity: Good pratices for in situ and on-farm conservation", which addresses the conservation of fruit tree genetic resources in the whole planet.

The publication brings information about experiences from several countries, such as India, China, Nepal, Thailand and Indonesia. Two Brazilian experiences developed by Embrapa, were selected for the book – one related to mangaba, a fruit that is native to the Cerrado and the Northeastern coast of Brazil, and the other about butiá, the fruit of the jelly palm tree that is present through the states of Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul.

The chapter "Promoting community management of underutilized tropical and subtropical fruit genetic resources in Brazil" had the participation of the researchers Josué Francisco da Silva Júnior, from Embrapa Coastal Tablelands (Aracaju, SE), Dalva Maria da Mota, from Embrapa Eastern Amazon (Belém, PA), and Rosa Lia Barbieri, from Embrapa Temperate Agriculture (Pelotas, RS).
In the section, the researchers discuss the experiments that were developed in situ – in their places of origin – and on farm – conservation sites – on mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) and butiá (Butia odorata) genetic resources with traditional communities and family farmers.

The chapter gathers a set of best management practices for such two endangered species in the regions they naturally occur, which has involved the exchange of knowledge between scientists and the traditional communities that depend on the gathering of these species to ensure their livelihood.
The other chapter, "Amazonian fruits: how farmers nurture nutritional diversity on farm and in the forest"  results from a partnership between Embrapa Eastern Amazon researchers, José Edmar Urano de Carvalho, Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma, and Antonio José Elias Amorim de Menezes, and researchers from the National Institute of Research on the Amazon (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia - Inpa), Patricia Shanley and Charles R. Clement, and addresses native Amazon fruit and the role of local farmers and extraction workers in the conservation of regional diversity.

The book is available for sale on the publisher's website, Routledge from the Taylor & Francis group, in print or as an e-book.

To browse through a sample of the publication, click here.

Check here the news article on the book published on Bioversity International's website.

Collaboration: Henrique Maynart - Journalism intern

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Saulo Coelho (MTb/SE 1065)
Embrapa Coastal Tablelands

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