Representatives of projects to take place in Africa meet in Brasilia
Representatives of projects to take place in Africa meet in Brasilia
Six technical cooperation projects were selected by the platform "M-BoSs: building on the successes of Marketplace", which aims at potencializing and expanding good results obtained in projects successfully concluded at the first stage of the program, the Agricultural Innovation Marketplace (MKTPlace).
The projects gather actions and technologies to be adapted for the development of tropical agriculture in eight African countries: Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, as well as Brazil, which is also a beneficiary of such cooperation.
To discuss the first steps for the projects, on February 13-17, the institutions that have partnered in the M-BoSs, the African and Brazilian co-leaders of each project, and the main researchers from each team have participated in the Annual M-BoSs Forum 2017, in Brasília, DF, Brazil.
The researcher from Embrapa Soils (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Ana Paula Turetta is the co-leader of one of the approved projects: “Linking knowledge to action: Co-developing best-bet options for integrated soil fertility management, increased profitability and poverty reduction in agricultural landscapes of Africa”, which will have the partnership of the World Agroforestry Centre (Icraf, Kenya), due to last three years and beginning in the first half of 2017.
“We intend to broaden the scale of the previous work, which took place in Mozambique. At this new stage we will work in Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania”, Ana reveals.
The event in Brasilia was endorsed by the researcher. “It was great to gather the teams of the six approved projects, as there are common points in which we will be able to join forces. The topics of the presentations were very useful, topics such as management, governance, monitoring and communication of the projects were addressed at a high level”.
The Project
“Linking knowledge to action: Co-developing best-bet options for integrated soil fertility management, increased profitability and poverty reduction in agricultural landscapes of Africa”, is a technology transfer project based on building knowledge jointly with farmers.
The main goal is the expansion and validation of the use of the InPaC-S participatory tool for the training of professionals in important institutions in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda. The idea is to integrate local and technical knowledge concerning soil quality indicators for efficient fertility management.
During the implementation of the project, there will be missions to hold methodology training workshops. There will be four workshops held in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda (a national workshop and three others led by the trainees), thus building a network of at least 225 agricultural professionals to use and teach the InPaC-S methodological approach. Farmers will then be able to more aptly make decisions based on the guidelines related to the sustainable use of natural resources and efficient use of soil nutrients.
The project co-leader on Icraf's side is the researcher Edmundo Barrios.
Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros
Carlos Dias (20.395 MTb RJ)
Embrapa Soils
Phone number: +55 21 2179-4578
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