18/07/17 |   Environmental and land management

Meeting to assess impacts in Colombia's rural establishments

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Photo: Event promotion.

Event promotion. - View of Altillanura de Orinoquia, Colombia.

View of Altillanura de Orinoquia, Colombia.

On July 19, Embrapa Environment (Jaguariúna, SP, Brazil) is going to host the seminar “Análisis de impacto ecológico en escala de fincas para política macroeconómica desde una perspectiva de paisaje – proyecto MKTPlace, coordinated by the researchers Geraldo Stachetti Rodrigues and Aníbal L. Tapiero, in partnership with the Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica)'s Centro de Investigación la Libertad, in Colombia.

According to the Brazilian researcher, there has been growing interest in the development of methods to assess the environmental impacts of the practices associated with intensive agricultural production, especially new areas where there has been land use change into agricultural production, like the case of the Altillanura de Orinoquia region in Colombia.

In that sense, the APOIA-NovoRural's methodological approach based on sustainability indicators was applied to impact assessments of reference rural establishments in that region, which has four typical production systems (rubber, grain, intensive cattle farming in cultivated pastures, and extensive cattle farming in savannah areas).

The Rural Activities' Environmental Impact Weighted Assessment System APOIA-NovoRural aims at assessing the performance of rural establishment with regard to given technical and social-environmental standards. The method proposes an objective environmental and sustainability assessment of management practices, based on a set of 62 indicators, verified in field surveys performed with analytical instrumentation and managerial data obtained through dialogue with farmers and workers responsible for the establishments.

“The research results aim at informing recommendations for policies on environmental management in Colombian territory”, explains Rodrigues.

The event will showcase research results and feature discussion on the opportunities to broaden institutional cooperation with Embrapa Environment researchers and analysts and with partner institutions.

10h-10h30 - History of the Embrapa-Corpoica institutional cooperation and the MKTPlace project, by Geraldo Stachetti Rodrigues

10h30-11h15 - Análisis de impacto ecológico en escala de fincas para política macroeconómica desde una perspectiva de paisaje – proyecto MKTPlace en la Altillanura de Orinoquia, by Aníbal Tapiero (Centro de Investigación la Libertad - Corpoica, Villavicencio)

11h15-12h -Sistemas de apoyo (Visor SIG-WEB) para el seguimiento y gestión de fincas, a partir de componentes climáticos, edáficos, fitosanitarios y fisiológicos de plantaciones establecidas en núcleos productivos

12h - Closing session.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Cristina Tordin (MTB 28499)
Embrapa Environment

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