12/02/16 |   Climate change

Researcher participates in international congress on GHG emissions

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On February 14-18, 2016, Embrapa Southeast Livestock researcher Alexandre Berndt will participate in the 6th Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference - GGAA in Melbourne, Australia.

The studies conducted by Embrapa Southeast Livestock have supported the approval of the paper entitled "Enteric methane emissions of nellore steers in different grazing production systems in Brazil " for an oral presentation during the session on Mitigation in practice, which will take place on February 15.

The congress is the most important international event on agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Berndt explains that it presents emission results from different production systems in the world, and the most-adopted and promising mitigation strategies.

The event is held every three years. Brazil is in the list of candidates for the GGAA presidency and thus to host the Congress in 2019. The bid is justified by the growing interest of the international scientific community in Brazilian emissions, as well as by the Brazilian mitigation technologies, genetic improvement alternatives, and studies on animal nutrition and effects on food quality and security. 

In addition to GGAA, Alexandre Berndt is going to be Brazil's representative at the work meeting of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases' Livestock Research Group, which will take place in the same venue, on February 19 - 20.

The Alliance is an organization led by the New Zealand government and congregates researchers from all over the world to address topics related to sustainability in livestock, especially greenhouse gas emissions.

Mariana de Lima Medeiros

Gisele Rosso ((MTb/3091))
Embrapa Southeast Livestock

Press inquiries
Phone number: (16) 3411 5625

Collaboration: Julia Mascarelli
Embrapa Southeast Livestock

Further information on the topic
Citizen Attention Service (SAC)