Monitoring Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon

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Photo: Embrapa

The TerraClass project, a partnership between Embrapa and the National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) initiated in 2010, was created to produce a new outlook, based on scientific and impartial data, on the use and cover of deforested areas of the Brazilian Amazon region, as per annually identified by Inpe's Prodes program. The first maps generated by the project, referring to the use and cover of lands deforested by 2008, 2010, and 2012, respectively, established a starting point for the understanding of reality found in this portion of the national territory. The project Monitoring Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon aims at providing these actions with continuity, based on the generation of three new maps, referring to land use and cover in areas deforested by 2014, and two other past mappings, referring to years 2000 and 2006. The generation of these new maps aims at to ensure the establishment of a regular and frequent information base that characterizes deforestation data, improving the understanding of land use and occupation dynamics in Amazonia. In light of the large volume and complexity related to the manipulation and management of the maps and the data, this proposal also includes the development of geospatial services that facilitate access, visualization and manipulation of geographic data produced by the TerraClass project to general users.

Ecosystem: Amazonic

Status: Completed Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 Conclusion date: Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018

Head Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

Project leader: Julio Cesar Dalla Mora Esquerdo


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