Embrapa peanut production technology transfer for adoption by family farmers in Africa

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Promoting the diffusion of integrated peanut production practices, with emphasis on the biological control of fungi to reduce product contamination by aflatoxin in Mali, is the goal of this project. The action has made the knowledge exchange between Brazilian and African researchers possible. Mali is the second largest peanut producing country of the African continent. However, the product's high contamination rates in the country affect the crops and cause health risk for consumers. As an alternative to solve the problem, Mali researchers isolated and selected microorganisms with high potential to control the development of toxigenic fungi and with aflatoxin biodegradation activity to be used in peanut crops, which can be associated with best agricultural practices in peanut production recommended by Embrapa, and make peanuts either aflatoxin-free or at least with aflatoxin levels that meet the standard limits established by the legislation.

Ecosystem: Amazonic

Status: Completed Start date: Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 Conclusion date: Wed Feb 28 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018

Head Unit: Embrapa Acre

Project leader: Cleisa Brasil da Cunha Cartaxo

Contact: cleisa.cartaxo@embrapa.br