HLB BioMath phase 3: biomathematics applied to the optimization of barriers interposition technologies, microenvironmental modification and exclusion for citrus huanglongbing management

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Photo: LANZETTA, Paulo

Citrus HLB is the most important citrus disease worldwide. It is considered a quarantine pest present in Brazil and threatens to spread throughout the national territory. The project helps to stem the spread of the disease in the country. It is structured to generate three Solutions for Innovation derived from the HLB dissemination scenarios and three specific problems:Absence of validated contingency plans for the decision to contain HLB in citrus groves in the Northeast; Phytosanitary alert in use in the Citrus Belt is not optimized; Absence of push and pull planting configurations that limit the spread of HLB.The results of the project will impact how the advancement of HLB is fought in Brazil. The application of insecticides will be more appropriate and the incidence of the disease should be maintained or decreased. The citrus groves in the Northeast must remain as free areas and new planting configurations will begin to be teste. All solutions are aligned with the priorities of the Plant Health Portfolio.

Status: Completed Start date: Wed May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Sun Apr 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023

Head Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits

Project leader: Francisco Ferraz Laranjeira Barbosa

Contact: francisco.laranjeira@embrapa.br

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