Continuing professional development program on milk production for extension agents from the state of Goiás. Phase 1. Feeding and management of the dairy herd

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The state of Goiás is the fourth largest milk producer in the country and, even with all the potential to increase its production, in recent years it has been losing positions to other states. From discussions about the current situation of milk production in the state, technical assistance has been highlighted as one of the factors limiting the development of the dairy sector, either due to the insufficient number of professionals or their qualification. Animal nutrition is one of the most demanded topics by professionals and farmers as it represent 40 to 60% of the production cost of milk. It is believed that communication actions and continuous training on this topic for technical assistance and rural extension professionals, combined with the implementation of technological reference units (TRU) on rural properties, can improve dairy cattle farming in the state of Goiás. The project goal was to focus on communication and rural extension methodologies more appropriate to the reality of dairy farming in the five mesoregions of the state. Therefore, continuous training of technicians, the implementation of TRU's, organizing field days, preparation of booklets, and creation of communication channels were the chosen strategies. With those actions, it was expected to achieve the improvements in efficiency of milk production, not only in technically assisted farms, however, in the short and medium term, in neighboring properties, due to the application and dissemination of knowledge and technologies related to forage production and feeding strategies of the dairy herd. We strengthen relationships with consultants, colleagues from other Embrapa Units and institutions such as IAC (Agronomic Institute) and UFG (Federal University of Goiás), invited to give lectures during training events. We strengthened our partnership with the following institutions participating in the project: UNIPASTO (Association for the Promotion of Research on Forage Improvement), SENAR (National Rural Learning Service), EMATER (Goiás Agency for Technical Assistance, Rural Extension and Agricultural Research), ZOOTEC Animal Supplementation and Federal Institute of Goiás. It was possible to raise and meet demands from technicians and with those partnerships, other actions were carried out to meet different demands. They include a partnership with UNIPASTO in technology transfer events (i.e. Tecnoshow, Expotec, AgroCentro-Oeste, Agrotecnoleite), the installation of agrostological fields and the “Young Talents” Technical-Scientific Seminar; a partnership with UFG in events organized by Embrapa Dairy Cattle’s Center-West team for technology transfer and conducting experiments on strategic tick control; a partnership with IAC to create a nursery for sugarcane materials for animal feeding, and partnerships with several institutions in regional events to disseminate technologies generated by Embrapa. The various approaches carried out, complemented by field days and technical visits, allowed the project to meet its objective, highlighting, however, the detection - in the regions studied - of a reduction in workload in the training modules and in the set of practices necessary for learning how to manage and feed dairy herds. The information presented in this document contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 1 - Eradication of poverty: End poverty in all its forms, everywhere; 2 - Eradication of hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture; 4 - Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; and 8 - Dignified employment and economic growth: Promoting growth sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic development, full and productive employment, and decent work for all).

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Fri Jan 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020

Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle

Project leader: Leovegildo Lopes de Matos
