Development of onion or garlic-based films for preserving meat products

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Most food packaging comes from petroleum, a non-renewable source, representing a major environmental pollution problem. Beef is a nutritionally rich food and has great economic importance. Due to its composition, it is a food that is very susceptible to microbiological deterioration and lipid oxidation, among other undesirable changes, resulting in a short shelf life when stored under refrigeration. One way to compensate for the high use of natural resources involved in the production of meat and meat products is to extend their useful life, avoiding losses and waste, aiming to adopt a more sustainable circular bioeconomy. This project aims to develop edible and biopolymeric films based on onion or garlic to increase the stability of frozen beef burgers and packaged fresh beef kept under refrigeration. It is expected that the results obtained will contribute to the development of films suitable for use as primary packaging for frozen meat products and fresh beef, increasing the stability of these products and reducing the amount of plastic packaging used, with less negative impact on the environment.

Status: In progress Start date: Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023 Conclusion date: Mon Jun 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2025

Head Unit: Embrapa Southeastern Livestock

Project leader: Renata Tieko Nassu
