Bragantino System: An Option of Sustainable Management in the Use and Recuperation of Pará's Altered Areas
Bragantino System: An Option of Sustainable Management in the Use and Recuperation of Pará's Altered Areas
Historically, the agricultural activities in the northeast of Pará have been concentrated in the hands of small farmers and family-based workforce, who dedicate themselves almost exclusively to subsistence farming with focus on yuca (Manihot esculenta), corn and caupi-beans (Vigna Unguiculata) as crops with most significant socio-economic expression. This practice is done with little or no use of agricultural supplies, such as lime and fertilizers, leading the region's lands, which already have limited soil nutrients, to exhaustion. Hence, the target public mainly of this project's consisting of these small farmers, it is an important matter that of replacing the current technological model used by them with an alternate model that addresses the improvement in the use of soil and natural resources, of income generation and productive occupation of the land, in ways adapted to these family farming producers. The "Bragantino System" presents itself as an innovative agricultural production model, with wide improvement effects on the producer's income. The project proposes soil use alternatives that can replace the current production models with successive cultivation systems of temporary culture, having as strategy the installation of Assembly Units in six different places. The project's principal goal will be to convince the partner producers and raise their awareness so that the instauration process and furthermore, the monitoring of these Assembly Units may be successful. With the adoption of this production system, the expected results are higher competitiveness and sustainability. With the improved use of the soil, it will be possible to obtain three annual crops (corn, yuca and caupi-beans) instead of only one, asides from the formation of multiplying agents.
Ecosystem: Amazonic
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 Conclusion date: Sun Feb 28 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010
Head Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Project leader: Joao Elias Lopes Fernandes Rodrigues
Keywords: áreas degradadas, consórcios, rotação de culturas