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Embrapa Units

The infection of the swine herd with Salmonella and consequently, the presence of this micro-organism in swine products, has been a serious concern since it can be a great threat to the consumers themselves. Embrapa Swine and Poultry and UFRGS teamed up to develop tools and epidemiological studies that can characterize the problem, the contamination sources and the infection dynamics in the country's southern herds. This project aims to propose a systematic control of the Salmonella infection in

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2007

The consumer market is becoming increasingly demanding regarding the production conditions (environment, health and safety of foods). These health and safety demands on animal welfare come from "the outside to the inside" and may indirectly represent a setback in the market and consumption of products of animal origin. This project's goal is to develop technologies to improve the welfare of the animals, the meat quality and decrease quantitative and qualitative losses related to pre-slaughter ha ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2007

The main environmental problems associated with the waste produced in intensive pig farming are its high organic load, high amount of nutrients, the presence of some metallic species and of micro-organisms, some of which are known pathogenic agents. In general, the waste treatment systems in pig farms still lack the ability to reduce or eliminate pathogenic agents from the waste produced, a fact which makes it difficult to reuse the water in the very facility or even in agriculture. Seasonal flu

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2009