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Among the pathogens infecting grapevines, viruses particularly stand out due to the damages they cause and the degeneration (loss of vigor) of the plants they affect throughout the years, resulting in reduced production and quality of grapes. This could even economically impair this activity. In specific combinations of rootstock/cultivar and viral species, grapevine viral diseases can be latent and could thus go undetected and be successively propagated, resulting in high levels of infection in Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2012 |
This project aims to index viral matrices from black pepper nursery ponds in the state of Pará and Espírito Santo, and also to characterize biologically, serologically, morphologically, and molecularly the unknown virus and develop diagnosis kits for such, to optimize a black pepper in vitro propagation protocol, to form a basic matrix (cloned garden) in screened green house, and to offer seedlings to nursery ponds in order to revitalize the existing matrix, to offer training on black pepper vir ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/06/2009 |
The soilborne mosaic in wheat is a viral disease whose negative effects on wheat production have become more frequent in several wheat regions in southern Brazil. This disease can reduce productivity by 50% if susceptible cultivars are sown in areas with inoculum and favorable environment conditions. In Brazil, the common mosaic is attributed to Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) and also to Wheat spindle streak virus (WSSMV), both transmitted by Polymyxa graminis, pla ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/02/2018 |
Whitefly is currently one of the main pests in Brazil. The insect causes direct damages (sap suction, toxin injection, and physiological disorders) and indirect damages (helping sooty mold grow and transmitting phytopathogenic viruses). Reports of damages started right after its entrance in the country, the likely source of which has been traced to an import of ornamental plants in the 1990s. After this introduction, the insect became very well adapted to Brazilian cropping conditions and spread Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2014 |
The culture of black pepper ( Piper nigrum L.) is of great socio-economical importance in the northern states of Brazil, Pará especially. However, its production has been suffering the incidence of diseases such as the one caused by the Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV) and the Piper yellow mottle virs (PYMoV). Although these viruses have already been reported in many of the Brazilian states, there are too few studies that address the virus diseases which affect this culture. Hence, this project ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/09/2007 |
Epidemics of Diseases whose Pathogens are Transmitted by Insects (EDTIs) are frequent and impactful in the areas of human, animal and plant health. Due to its complexity, understanding the dynamics of EDTIs requires the accumulation of epidemiological data from monitoring networks and the use of models that establish the chain of relations between their components and calculate, under environmental oscillations, the rate and progress of the biological processes. This project proposes to develop Status: Completed Start date: 01/07/2017 |