Indicadores agrometeorológicos disponibilizados para produtores rurais do oeste da Bahia.

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Author(s): LEIVAS, J. F.; TEIXEIRA, A. H. DE C.; TAKEMURA, C. M.; GARCON, E. A. M.

Summary: RESUMO: A região oeste da Bahia se destaca por sua atividade de larga escala, utilizando tecnologia avançada, proporcionando altos rendimentos de soja, milho e algodão, sendo considerada a maior produtora de grãos do Nordeste brasileiro. O objetivo deste estudo é disponibilizar informações sobre o desenvolvimento do aplicativo (app) MonitoraOeste, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Territorial, para produtores do oeste da Bahia. Nesse aplicativo, são disponibilizadas informações sobre a dinâmica da vegetação natural e das culturas irrigadas ao longo do ciclo da cultura, como Evapotranspiração (ET), biomassa (BIO), produtividade da água (PA) e NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), visando acompanhar a dinâmica da vegetação natural e culturas irrigadas ao longo do ciclo agrícola, e disponibilizar essas informações de maneira rápida e prática aos produtores do oeste da Bahia, através de aplicativo mobile (app) , disponibilizado em sistema Android e IOS. A metodologia utilizada foi o algoritmo SAFER (Simple Algorithm For Evapotranspiration Retrieving) para obtenção de indicadores agrometeorológicos espectrais. Para a aplicação do modelo são necessários dados de estações meteorológicas, disponibilizados pelo INMET, e imagens do satélite MODIS, com resolução espacial de 250m e temporal de 16 dias. ABSTRACT: The western region of Bahia is characterized by its large-scale activity, using advanced technology, providing high yields of soybeans, corn and cotton, being considered the largest grain producer in the Brazilian Northeast. The objective of this study is to provide information about the development of the mobile app (app) MonitoraOeste, developed by Embrapa Territorial, for producers in western Bahia. This application provides information on the dynamics of natural vegetation and irrigated crops throughout the crop cycle, such as Evapotranspiration (ET), biomass (BIO), water productivity (PA) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), aiming monitor the dynamics of natural vegetation and irrigated crops throughout the agricultural cycle, and make these available information fast and practice to producers in western Bahia, through a mobile app, available on Android and IOS systems. The methodology used was the SAFER algorithm (Simple Algorithm For Evapotranspiration Retrieving) to obtain spectral agrometeorological indicators. For the application of the model, data from meteorological stations, available by INMET, and images from the MODIS satellite, with a spatial resolution of 250m and a temporal resolution of 16 days. The western region of Bahia is characterized by its large-scale activity, using advanced technology, providing high yields of soybeans, corn and cotton, being considered the largest grain producer in the Brazilian Northeast. The objective of this study is to provide information about the development of the mobile app (app) MonitoraOeste, developed by Embrapa Territorial, for producers in western Bahia. This application provides information on the dynamics of natural vegetation and irrigated crops throughout the crop cycle, such as Evapotranspiration (ET), biomass (BIO), water productivity (PA) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), aiming monitor the dynamics of natural vegetation and irrigated crops throughout the agricultural cycle, and make these available information fast and practice to producers in western Bahia, through a mobile app, available on Android and IOS systems. The methodology used was the SAFER algorithm (Simple Algorithm For Evapotranspiration Retrieving) to obtain spectral agrometeorological indicators. For the application of the model, data from meteorological stations, available by INMET, and images from the MODIS satellite, with a spatial resolution of 250m and a temporal resolution of 16 days.

Publication year: 2022

Types of publication: Paper in annals and proceedings


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