Modelo Digital de Exploração Florestal – Modeflora
Digital Forestry Model - Modeflora

Photo: Papa, Daniel
Modeflora is a process of forest planning that employs different digital technologies to map the forest and generate information to facilitate planning, establishment and monitoring of forest management activities, providing lower costs for growers and less impact on the environment.
Forest management in tropical forests in Brazil still uses analogical methods to locate trees and map hydrography and topography, also known as X-Y coordinate mapping. As a consequence of this practice, the planning and execution of forest exploration projects are of low precision and efficiency, which makes several errors common, such as opening roads to access areas with low timber potential, oversized patios to store wood, imprecision in up to 35 meters in tree locations, permanent preservation areas mapped with low precision, construction of excessive number of bridges, and inefficient monitoring of field operations.
The technology integrates the Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (SIG) and Remote Sensing (RS) to plan, carry out and monitor management activities with high precision.
Who benefits from it
Companies in the forest sector.
Geographic range
Amazonas, Rondônia, Acre
Economic benefits
From 2008 to 2015 Modeflora was adopted in over 272,000 hectares of forest management, saving R$ 53.7 million.
Percentage reduction in the costs of activities: a) forest inventory and microzoning (50%), c) in-office planning (66.67%), d) road opening (20%), e) trail planning (43.34%) and skidding (44.63%). Such activities represent a reduction in the total costs of approximately 42.73% when compared with timber explored with conventional forest management.
Acre Technological Foundation - Funtac, Embrapa Forestry
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institutions.
Where to find:
- Manejo de precisão em florestas tropicais: modelo digital de exploração florestal -
- Modeflora: modelo digital de exploração florestal -
- Uso do LiDAR no manejo florestal -
Agricultural practice: Other agricultural practices Launch year: 2007
Country: Brazil Region: North, Central-West State: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul Biome: Amazon Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre
Participating Units: Embrapa Forestry, Embrapa Acre
Keywords: modeflora, geoprocessamento, GPS, florestal, inventário, Acre, Amazônia, Página Grandes Contribuições