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De 26 a 28 de novembro, bananicultores, especialistas e técnicos do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento e de órgãos de sete estados participaram, em Corupá (SC), de...

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Researchers discovered in the Brazilian state of Sergipe a new species of planthopper that can host the agent of coconut Lethal Yellowing (LY or LYD), a serious disease that can...

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Um produto eficiente e prático, de fácil aplicação, desenvolvido pela Embrapa Clima Temperado (RS), está em fase de testes e promete facilitar a vida dos agricultores na hora de...

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The project seeks to give sustainability to germplasm banks of exotic fruit species of tropical, subtropical and temperate climate. Eleven work plans include enrichment, conservation and maintenance activities, characterization and documentation of fruit germplasm banks: avocado, acerola, banana, citrus, apple, papaya, mango, strawberry, pear, pests (plum, peach, nectarine) and grape. Enrichment will be done through collection and exchange. Conservation of access will be conducted predominantly

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019


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Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2020

Author(s): ANDRADE, E. C. de; BARBOSA, F. F. L.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2019

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Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2018


O Simpósio Internacional de Fruticultura é um evento da Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura (SBF) e diferencia-se dos congressos por ter o propósito de discutir temas específicos dentro da fruticultu... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2017