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Study on adoption of crop-livestock integration system and digital technologies: determinants of adoption and impact

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The Twin transition phenomenon is guided by the digital transformation agenda associated with production with less environmental impact. Adopting agricultural practices that promote the more efficient use of resources associated with digital technologies is central to the sustainable digitalization transition. This project aims to estimate the impact of adopting integrated crop-livestock production systems (ILP) and digital technologies on the technical efficiency of farms. The results can contribute to farmers' resource allocation decisions, diffusion of ILP systems and digital agriculture technologies and formulation of public policies for agriculture in the state of São Paulo.

Status: In progress Start date: Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023 Conclusion date: Mon Jan 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2028

Head Unit: Embrapa Southeastern Livestock

Project leader: Marcela de Mello Brandao Vinholis

Contact: marcela.vinholis@embrapa.br