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Embrapa Units

Herbariums are scientific collections that keep samples of dried plants (exsicatas) from different ecosystems. The information contained in these places are basic sources for taxonomic, floristic, biogeographical, phenological and ecological studies, as well as providing data for the work on biodiversity, medicinal, toxic, fodder, food, among many others. In a simplified way, herbariums can be compared to archives, in which it is possible to collect diverse information about plants, such as habi

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2016

Brazil has several breeds of domestic animals that have been developed from breeds brought by Portuguese colonists at the time of discovery. Over the centuries, these breeds have been subjected to natural selection in environments in which they live to the point of presenting specific characteristics to adapt to these conditions. They are known as “creole", "local" or "naturalized".

Currently, many of these breeds are endangered of extinction because over the centuries, they have


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2009

Despite the growth in the production and productivity rates of dairy farming in Brazil, the globalization of the economy, the fluctuations in domestic and foreign food prices, the changing feeding habits of the population, with the growing interest in functional foods as well as foods from agroecological or organic production systems, coupled with the strong demand for genetically improved and adapted animals, are relevant factors that have challenged research and development agencies in proposi

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2008

The project QUALIANI - Implementation and Monitoring of Quality Systems in the collections of animal genetic resources aims to evaluate the current condition of collections of breeds of domestic animals of zootechnical interest maintained by Embrapa in order to adpat them to International quality standards.

Since 1980, the Company has been investing in a program for the conservation of breeds of domestic animals of agricultural interest that are part of the history of Brazil, since many ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2016

This project aims to improve gene manipulation technologies, develop more efficient methodologies for cell transfection, and improve vectors' construction linked to genetically modified pigs and poultry production. These objectives are in synergy with the Genetic Engineering in Agribusiness portfolio and meet demands for genetic engineering innovations on animal species of economic and social interest. Transgenic animals are bred for various purposes and can be used as bioreactors, models for hu

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019

raditional breeding has generated significant genetic gain over time. However, this strategy falls short of yielding information on the biological processes involved. Additionally, there are great difficulties for the genetic improvement of characteristics which are measured solely in one gender and/or late in the life span of the animal. With the development of DNA chips it became possible maximizing genetic gain by reducing the generation interval and increasing the intensity of selection. The

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2010

In the last century, the wide use of Guzerá breed in crossbreeding led to the expressive reduction of their effective population size, to worrying numbers. Due to its adaptation to diverse environmental conditions, its potential for dual-purpose production (i.e. meat and milk), and its risk of extinction, in 1991, this breed was included by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in the list of genetic resources to be preserved. In view of this, and due to the demand for br ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

Bovine tick parasitism is a determinant of estimated losses of US $ 3.4 billion annually in Brazil. Much of these losses are due to mistakes made in the controlling attempts. The three main mistakes made are the use of an inappropriate acaricide at the wrong time and in the wrong way. In view of this situation, Embrapa Dairy Cattle implemented the acaricide effectiveness testing, a free service based on the determination of the most suitable product for application in each property, based on sam

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2008

Selection for desirable phenotypes has been practiced in cattle since their domestication approximately 10,000 years ago. This process, alongside breed development and genetic improvement programs, has led to the vast diversity of cattle breeds known today. Traditional breeding methods, grounded in quantitative theory, have facilitated continuous genetic gains in most economically important traits. However, until recently, selection has been conducted without knowledge of the specific genes infl

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019

Proteins found in cow's milk are one of the main sources of childhood allergies and can affect up to 7% of children. A more common allergen is beta-lactoglobulin (BGL), which makes up more than 50% of whey protein and is absent in human milk. Hypoallergenic cow's milk can be obtained by treating the milk, but this can result in residual antigenicity and alter the taste of the milk. Additionally, prices are 10-15x higher than conventional milk. The bovine BGL gene is located on chromosome 11 and

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019