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The project aims to technically and scientifically support the development of aquaculture production of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), with new technologies in the areas of nutrition and health. The physiological mechanisms for the validation of the use of immunostimulating products and probiotics that act as prophylactics for the cultivation of fingerlings and juveniles of pirarucu will be the basis of the study. The innovations obtained will be transferred to the productive sector, establishing ...Status: Completed Start date: Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 |
PortGEO brought together several projects and actions developed at Embrapa with a thematic focus on the study and assessment of environmental, socioeconomic and institutional factors associated with the dynamics of land use and cover (causes and effects), as well as their interactions, impacts, products and outcomes. The project was developed to manage and consolidate information from Embrapa's R&D and TT projects within a consolidated structure, in order to organize, make this information avail ... Status: Completed Start date: Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 |
Embrapa Gado de Leite coordinates participatory rural development projects in 16 communities in nine municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais – i.e. Lima Duarte, Santana do Garambéu, Santa Rita de Ibitipoca, Pedro Teixeira, Ibertioga, Carvalhos, Bocaina de Minas and Alagoa, which have smallholder milk production as the main activity generating employment and income - and the Quilombola (Afro-Brazilian Settlement) Colônia do Paiol, in the municipality of Bias Fortes. Of these municipalities, s ... Status: Completed Start date: Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
The Cerrado is the second largest Brazilian biome and is considered one of the main biodiversity reserves on the planet that need to be conserved. For a rational and sustainable exploitation of this natural wealth, it is necessary to get to know it beforehand. A possible approach, from the point of view of the elaboration of products from Cerrado plants, is the use of aromatic species to obtain essential oils and extracts for application in the perfume and cosmetic industries. The main goal of t Status: Completed Start date: Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
The project aims to develop/finalize, validate and disseminate technologies that strengthen the chain of production of family-based citrus, collaborating for its socio-economic-environmental sustainability, basically through prospecting in germplasm and the development of products rich in bioactive compounds. In order to conduct the project, a multidisciplinary and interinstitutional team was formed, composed of researchers, extension agents, representatives of the productive chain and consumers Status: Completed Start date: Fri Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017 |
The Cerrado is the second largest Brazilian biome and is considered one of the main biodiversity reserves on the planet that need to be conserved. For a rational and sustainable exploitation of this natural wealth, it is necessary to get to know it beforehand. A possible approach, from the point of view of the elaboration of products from Cerrado plants, is the use of aromatic species to obtain essential oils and extracts for application in the perfume and cosmetic industries. The main goal of t Status: Completed Start date: Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 |