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Embrapa Units

This project aimed to present reuse alternates for the waste produced in the industrial processing of açaí, and thus obtain processing plants that minimize the release of waste products. A previous evaluation of this matter pointed out technological alternatives through which would be possible to: I) reuse the residue inside or outside the processing plant, or, II) produce byproducts with aggregated value. The project proposed to develop support technologies to the açaí agroindustrial complex, w ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008

The last decades' expansion of açaí palm cultivated areas in the Amazon was significantly high, it being the source of new jobs and income opportunities for the local population. Even though, the participation of the açaí fruit in the region's agribusiness is rather inexpressive when compared to the volume of fruit production in Brazil.

The Açaí palm genetic improvement program developed its first cultivar, the BRS Pará, with precociousness and good fruit production during the harvest p ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008

The Infobee project is coordinated by Embrapa Amazônia Oriental and Equilibrium Web. It works with information and communication technologies to provide relevant services and information to açaí ( Euterpe Oleracea) and beekeepers in the state of Pará. The project will develop three market products: InfobeeBR platform, ManejaTech Açaí application and Digital Bee Calendar application.The InfobeeBR platform offers services and technological, economic and market information to beekeepers and ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019

Riverside communities experience many deficiencies in electricity supply and basic sanitation. Regarding forest products management there is a dependency of açaí and limited use of other species. Thus, the project located at Ilha das Cinzas – Pará state, aims to: evaluate agroforestry systems with ‘pau mulato’ and other arboreal and agricultural species; generate actual technical indices to the management of native açaí grooves through its mapping and monitoring along with participating families ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

The quick diagnosis of diseases in plants that have economic value is essential to guarantee food security and avoid larger losses as a consequence of disease spreading. Two major problems may hinder this goal: 1) the permanent monitoring of all the plants by people capable of detecting diseases is mostly unviable; 2) in many cases, the person who detects the symptoms doesn't have enough knowledge to identify their causes. Despite the existance of solutions that explore technology as a facilitat

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013