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New technologies can increase efficiency and improve techniques for monitoring greenhousegas emissions, reducing labor needs and improving the quality of data collected. But these newtechnologies require testing to confirm applicability under specific conditions and defineprotocols for their use. This project will establish procedures to minimize labor needs in thefield and systematize data collection, ensuring greater uniformity and lower sample error. Italso tests new equipment that can permit Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 |
The Amapá state has extensive forests and savannas, which are important carbon stocks being negatively affected due to agricultural, forestry and industrial activities. Thus the project aims to develop a methodology applicable to the entire State of Amapá, aiming to reach all types of existing vegetation, being the basis for estimates of forest biomass and the quantification of carbon stocks, in addition to enabling the monitoring of changes caused on biomass due to the economic activities de ...Status: Completed Start date: Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016 |
The Precision Agriculture (PA) network, coordinated by Embrapa, has obtained significant results in terms of knowledge on the variability of the production and environmental parameters of plants, pests and diseases of diverse crops such as soybean, corn, cotton, wheat, eucalyptus, sugarcane Sugar, orange, grape, apple and peach. The network made possible the integration of research efforts in the theme, with the participation of more than 150 researchers, 21 Embrapa Units, more than 5 ...Status: Completed Start date: Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016 |