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The exploration of milk whey resulting from cheese-making has increased in Brazil due to the setup of industrial units where whey and byproducts are concentrated and dried. However, the volume of whey that is discarded or underused is still extremely high, notably at small dairies. This project aims to survey the volume and quality of the milk whey generated in the largest cheese-producing regions of the country, located in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. It als Status: Completed Start date: 01/08/2013 |
The project QUALIMICRO - Implementation and Monitoring of Quality Systems in Embrapa's Microbial Collections aims to implement the corporate quality requirements in 21 collections of microorganisms from 18 research units of the Company located in several Brazilian states. The Project will guarantee the quality in the management of these collections and make them able to meet the requirements of the national and international market. Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2016 |
Under the strong impact of the demand for energy and the need to develop alternative technologies to replace oil, the sugarcane industry is expanding and boosting interest in the assessment of both private and social costs and benefits in sugar and energy production. The importance of environmental issues in society has inserted this topic in the agenda of public and private planners through their concern with the preservation of water resources, soil fertility, and biodiversity, as well as with Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2012 |
Computation used as a tool by scientific research has revolutionized the biological sciences, as it has done with many other fields of science, and considering the exponentially increasing amount and complexity of the scientific data being generated and needing to be efficiently handled, translated, processed and communicated, new computational resources are needed for the effective treatment of all this volume of data that makes it possible to transform it into knowledge and subsequently, as th Status: Completed Start date: 01/04/2011 |
A country's sovereignty is directly related to ensuring the three types of security: food, energy, and territorial security. Basically, food security and renewable energy security depend on agriculture and its water resources. Brazil, which contains about 12% of the world availability of water resources, is a privileged country in view of the possibility of using these resources in different sectors, of which the agricultural sector, as a broad concept that involves agriculture, husbandry, and f Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2013 |
The growing biofuel industry generates by-products that have shown promise as energy and protein feeds in ruminant diets. The objective of this project was to determine the effects of by-products of biodiesel production, obtained from different sources of oilseeds, on the in vitro degradability of nutrients, in vitro ruminal fermentation and methane gas production. Palisadegrass ( Brachiaria brizantha) was used as a model. Its isolated incubation was considered as a contro ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/08/2007 |
A crescente demanda de água para fins industriais e residenciais, geração de energia, mineração, lazer, somados aos problemas ambientais, faz com que quantidade de água para a agricultura apresente uma tendência de redução. A agricultura é o maior usuário de água em todo o mundo. O setor agrícola brasileiro é o principal usuário consuntivo dos recursos hídricos. Uma provável solução para esse problema é aperfeiçoar como a água é manejada, o que envolve a adoção de tecnologias e procedimentos ade ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2013 |