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The silvopastoral systems are a viable option to avoid degradation of pastures due to their potential to control erosion and the ability of some tree species to add nitrogen and other nutrients to the pasture, improving soil fertility. However, an important aspect in these systems refers to the competition for light between the tree/shrub and herbaceous components. Tiller production and the consequent density of inflorescences, directly related to seed production and, therefore, to natural resee Status: Completed Start date: Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 |
“The project aims to investigate the possibilities of using systems of integrated crop-livestock-forest (ICLF) systems as a local development strategy in the state of Mato Grosso. It proposes a discussion of the issue in a broad perspective, taking into account their economic, social, and environmental impacts, and the alignment of this strategy to Federal Government programs, contributing to the promotion of the region’s development.”Keywords: ICLF system, Public Policy, Sustainable Local Devel Status: Completed Start date: Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Forest systems are part of an important land-use strategy aimed at the maintenance of biodiversity, at the commercialization of wood products and other products, at quality of life and at environmental services such as carbon fixation. The greenhouse gas emission flows and the carbon stocked in the forests are indispensable information, and their estimation may support public policies on development and sustainability. Project GeoSaltus focuses on the use of geotechnologies for the developmen ...Status: Completed Start date: Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Olives and olive oil are products frequently found in Brazilian tables. As a result of the small number of planted areas and insignificant production in Brazil, importing has been an alternative to supply internal demand. In 2007, the country imported US$170 millions in olive oil and US$250 millions in olives, according to data from the Ministry of Development, Industry and International Commerce. Researches carried out by Epamig, in Maria da Fé - MG, demonstrated the possibility of rational exp ... Status: Completed Start date: Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010 |
In the context of planning, managing and generating territorial knowledge, Geoprocessing plays a fundamental role in supporting strategic decision making through the treatment of georeferenced information, which is the object of interest in public and private institutions and organizations. The structure of databases provided by the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is configured as a cartographic information generator to support the various productive chains of the agricultural sector, leadi Status: Completed Start date: Mon Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 |
Diseases and pests which affect coffee plants are responsible for the reduction in coffee productivity and quality, and also raise production costs and the environmental risks resulting from the application of control measures. The indiscriminate use of agrochemicals also induce pest and disease resistance to control agents. A quick and precise diagnosis and a high or low risk alert for the accelerated progress and establishment of disease and pest epidemics, allied to wide and facilitated acces Status: Completed Start date: Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 |
The organic production of vegetables is an activity of major social and economic importance in Brazil's Distrito Federal, and it has grown about 30% larger every year, causing a higher demand for knowledge on the establishment of new crops. Tomato is one of the main cultivated vegetables in terms of economic importance, which is central to the management of organic vegetable plots due to countless related plant health problems. From an agroecological standpoint, environmental diversification is Status: Completed Start date: Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 |
Agriculture is one of the economic sectors that are most heavily influenced by the climate and meteorological conditions: from sowing to harvest, various agricultural activities are promoted depending on the weather. Thus previous knowledge of such conditions through the daily monitoring and use of weather forecast information is an essential tool for agriculture. One of the ways to get weather information to support the timely decision-making of farmers is through agrometeorological monitor ...Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Safety is among consumers’ main concerns when it comes to food quality. One of the challenges faced in beef production in Brazil is combining production intensification with sustainability. Several aspects that used to be less valued earlier, such as quality, safety, food hygiene and product reliability, have become indispensable. In this context, the demand for traceability of the information regarding food is an important condition when the aim is conquering the customer's loyalty and trust ...Status: Completed Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
Ecological alternatives may contribute to the attainment of sustainability of productive family units through the balanced use of natural resources in the Amazon. Among these viable alternatives, stand out in the Amazon the initiatives of land preparation without the use of fire, such as the Tipitamba Project, the Roça without Fires Project, Agroforest Systems and agroecological alternatives practiced by the region's farmers. The availability of knowledge and practices through the training of en ... Status: Completed Start date: Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |