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Author(s): BEZERRA, V. S.; CABRAL, L. M. C.; COELHO, E. A. A. The açai drink is consumed habitually by populations of northern Brazil, but one of the major bottlenecks in the production of this drink is the seasonality of fruit production. Hence the needs to stu... ... |
Author(s): SILVA, M. F. da; MOCHIUTTI, S.; FARIAS NETO, J. T. de The Açai tree (Euterpe oleracea Mart) is an amazonian palm tree which grows naturally in the ftoodplain forests called "Várzeas" in Brazil and represents a high potential for national and internationa... ... |
Author(s): BEZERRA, V. S.; WALTER, E. H. M.; FREITAS-SILVA, O.; GOMES, I. A.; DAMASCENO, L. F.; ALCANTARA, I.; CABRAL, L. M. C. Açai berries (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) have a high natural microbial load that can compromise the quality of their products. In this study, test microorganisms were inoculated on raw açai berries in dr... ... |
Author(s): COSTA, R. G.; ANDREOLA, K.; MATTIETTO, R. de A.; FARIA, L. J. G. de; TARANTO, O. P. Açai is a nutritious and energetic food that demonstrated antioxidant activity and cardioprotective properties. However, since açai is a very perishable raw material, studies for its preservation are... ... |
Author(s): BEZERRA, V. S.; FREITAS-SILVA, O.; DAMASCENO, L. F.; CABRAL, L. M. C. Açai is a fruit of the Amazon region consumed as beverage, pulp, and other products, being exported to many countries because of its peculiar characteristic flavor and antioxidant power potential. For... ... |
Author(s): SILVA, L. M. da; WADT, L. H. de O.; CAMPOS, T. de The objective of this study was to test the efficiency of preservation and maceration methods for Euterpe precatoria leaflet tissue to obtain genomic DNA for molecular studies. The leaflets of E. prec... ... |
Author(s): SMIDERLE, O. J.; SILVA, V. X.; CHAGAS, E. A.; SOUZA. A. G.; RIBEIRO, M. I. G.; CHAGAS, P. C.; SOUZA, O. M.
Author(s): FARIAS NETO, J. T. de; YOKOMIZO, G. K. I.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de A produção de frutos de açaí se concentra entre os meses de julho e dezembro (safra), constituindo importante fonte de renda para os atores da cadeia produtiva, contudo, na entressafra, traz sérios pr... ... |
Author(s): VIANA, D. S.; CARVALHO, L. M. J. DE; MOURA, M. R. L.; PEIXOTO, J. C.; CARVALHO, J. L. V. de
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