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Author(s): ARIAS, D.; MENDES, P.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. A. Context and objectives; Methodology; Results; Agenda for the furture; Final considerations. |
Author(s): FALEIRO, J. R.; AL-SHAWAF, A. M.; AL-DANDAN, A. M.; AL-ODHAYB, A.; AL-RUDAYNI, A.; ABDALLAH, A. B.; PEIXOTO, M. P.; VARGAS, R.; BOTTON, M.; CHIDI, S.; BORGES, R.; MAFRA-NETO, A. From 1900–2000, the global human population grew by more than 400%, from 1.5 to 6.1 billion (Roser, 2015). The demands that the current population places upon global food supplies presents what may be... ... |
Author(s): PALHARES, J. C. P.; PRADO, R. B.; VIGNA, B. B. Z.; SOUSA, S. M. de This chapter presents contexts and problems on several aspects related to target 2 of Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12), which refers to "Achieving sustainable management and efficient use of n... ... |
Author(s): BISCOLA, P. H. N.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ALVES, G. L.; PAULA, N. Q. de; FREIRE, J. R. de S. Portfolio management can be a major tool for selecting projects where scarce public resources will be invested with the best returns for society. This study aimed to propose a model for diagnostic of... ... |
Author(s): RODRIGUES, G. S.; QUEIROZ, J. F. de; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; SAMPAIO, F. G.; FRASCÁ-SCORVO, C. M. D.; COUTO, K. R.; RODRIGUES, I. A. Abstract: The promotion of sustainable aquaculture depends on the documented adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs), associated with the monitoring of environmental health, of the availability o... ... |
Author(s): PINTO, D. M.; BIN, A.; FERRÉ, M.; TURNER, J. A.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; COSTA, M. M.; PEREIRO, M. S.; MECHELK, J.; ROMEMONT, A. DE; HEAUNE, K. Abstract: Recognizing evaluation results as a crucial source of information to support RD&I management, this article introduces ‘AgroRadarEval’, an interactive tool aimed at fulfilling theoretical, co... ... |
Author(s): GAVRILOVA, O.; LEIP, A.; DONG, H.; MACDONALD, J. D.; GOMEZ BRAVO, C. A.; AMON, B.; BARAHONA ROSALES, R.; PRADO, A. del; LIMA, M. A. de; OYHANTÇABAL, W.; WEERDEN, T. J. van der; WIDIAWATI, Y. This chapter provides guidance on methods to estimate emissions of methane from Enteric Fermentation in livestock, and methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Manure Management. Carbon dioxide(CO2)em... ... |
Author(s): ALVARENGA NETO, R. C. D. de; VIEIRA, J. L. G. This paper investigates and analyses the process of building a knowledge management (KM) model at Brazil‟s Embrapa (The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation). Embrapa is a world class kno... ... |
Author(s): GEROLD, G.; COUTO, E. G.; MADARI, B. E.; JUNGKUNST, H. F.; AMORIM, R. S. S.; HOHNWALD, S.; KLINGLER, M.; MACHADO, P. L. O. de A.; SCHÖNENBERG, R.; NENDEL, C. Two research projects were established to foster Brazilian-German collaboration and inter- and transdisciplinary research in the southern Amazon region. In the scope of the German BMBF-FONA program (F... ... |
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