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Author(s): INAMASU, R. Y.; NAIME, J. M.; FRAGALLE, E. P.; QUEIROS, L. R.; RESENDE, A. V.; VILELA, M. F.; BASSOI, L. H.; PEREZ, N. B.; BERNARDI, A. C. C. The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agric... ... |
Author(s): HAMMES, V. S.; LOPES, D. B.; SANTOS, A. C. C. dos; COSTA, J. R. da; OLIVEIRA, Y. M. M. de This book represents a synthesis of Embrapa's strategic position - as an agricultural research and innovation institution - facing the challenge of incorporating this contribution and communicating ho... ... |
Author(s): BISCOLA, P. H. N.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ALVES, G. L.; PAULA, N. Q. de; FREIRE, J. R. de S. Portfolio management can be a major tool for selecting projects where scarce public resources will be invested with the best returns for society. This study aimed to propose a model for diagnostic of... ... |
Author(s): SOUZA, G. da S. e; SOUZA, M. O. de; GOMES, E. G. We define and model the research production at Embrapa, the major Brazilian institution responsable for applied agricultural research. The main theoretical framework is Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA... ... |
Author(s): GOMES, E. G.; SOUZA, G. da S. e; GAZZOLA, R.; AVILA, A. F. D. We use census data (1996 and 2006) to model the agricultural production at state level in Brazil. Cost efficiency measurements are computed using data envelopment analysis and the response is assessed... ... |
Author(s): DRUCKER, D. P.; PINTO, D. M.; FIDALGO, E. C. C.; CUSTODIO, D. de O.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; ALMEIDA, B. T. de; PIEROZZI JUNIOR, I.; MACHADO, C. R. de L.; SANTOS, V. V. dos; SILVA, G. B. S. da; LAFORET, M. R. C.; TAKEMURA, C. M.; OLIVEIRA, L. H. M. de We describe our effort on building a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, a networked public company composed by 46 research centers distribut... ... |
Author(s): FERRÉ, M.; BLUNDO-CANTO, G.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; RAMÍREZ-GÓMEZ, M.; VEDOVOTO, G. L.; AGUDELO-CHOCONTÁ, B.; MARQUES, D. V.; FLORES, R. M. V.; RODRÍGUEZ-BORRAY, G.; SOUZA, M. O. de; GOULET, F.; VÁSQUEZ-URRIAGO, Á.; SÁNCHEZ-LOZANO, J.; PINTO, D. M.; ZAMBRANO-MORENO, G.; LONDOÑO-ARIAS, M.; ZAPATA-TAMAYO, C.; ROMÉMONT, A. de Abstract: Research organisations experience increasing demands to analyse on the multidimensional societal impacts of their activities. This leads to more reflections about the integration of organisa... ... |
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