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*Content only available in Portuguese

O algodoeiro, após a colheita, emite novas brotações e estruturas reprodutivas que, na entressafra, servem de abrigo e alimento para o bicudo-do-algodoeiro, principal praga da cotonicultura brasileira ...

Agricultural practice: For post-harvest management     Launch year: 2018     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

GM (transgenic) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate and to the main species of caterpillars that attack cotton, with Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex (B2RF) technology. An average-sized

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

Long-fiber GM (transgenic) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate and to the main species of caterpillars that attack cotton plants, with the Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex (B2RF) techno

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

The mini gin was developed with the aim of ginning the cotton seeds in the very own production unit that integrates a cotton farmer association or cooperative. Such procedure has farmers add more


Product: Machinery, implement, equipment     Launch year: 2000     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

BRS 335 is a medium-sized cultivar, which can reach 1.1m to 1.2m in height, with white linter and white-colored fiber. The average yield can reach up to 4,779 kg/ha. At an altitude of 700m and wit


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2011     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

BRS 370 RF is a transgenic (GM) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, which is widely adapted to the Brazilian states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Bahia, for cultivati ...

Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2013     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

*Content only available in Portuguese

A pecuária bovina leiteira é a principal atividade econômica desenvolvida nos assentamentos rurais da região de Corumbá/MS. Essa atividade é baseada nas pastagens e durante a estação anual de seca


Agricultural practice: For grazing management     Launch year: 2009     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Pantanal

Embrapa has developed a mini mobile gin and bale presser to process production in each property, which stimulates the cultivation of organic colored cotton, market niches that are not met by large


Product: Machinery, implement, equipment     Launch year: 2008     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

The adequate destruction of crop leftovers aims to address the sanitary break, established by the legislation adopted by cotton producing states with the purpose of reducing pest populations (espe


Agricultural practice: For plant pest management     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton

*Content only available in Portuguese

Primeira cultivar de algodão transgênica da Embrapa com a tecnologia Bollgard 3 RRFlex, que confere proteção ampliada contra as principais lagartas do algodoeiro, incluindo a Helicoverpa armig


Product: GM or edited cultivar     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton