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The collection of clones is composed by cupuaçu cultivars BRS Careca, BRS Fartura, BRS Duquesa, BRS Curinga and BRS Golias.

When the five cultivar clones are grown simultaneously, they of


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2022     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

*Content only available in Portuguese

A substituição de copa do cupuaçuzeiro é um método alternativo, aprimorado pela Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, para o controle da vassoura-de-bruxa, principal doença que ataca a cultura, bem como, par


Agricultural practice: For driving/pruning     Launch year: 2016     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

Pacoua is a variety of Pacovan banana, generated by Embrapa Cassava and Fruits's Banana and Plantain Breeding Program. This cultivar is recommended for the Northern region of Brazil, especially th


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2016     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits

*Content only available in Portuguese

A BRS Carimbó é uma cultivar de cupuaçuzeiro que apresenta boa resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa e alta produtividade. Essa cultivar resulta da seleção e cruzamentos entre 16 clones de cupuaçuzeiro,


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2012     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon