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Bifequali TT takes technologies to beef cattle farmers, with a focus on capacity-building for technicians. The participating properties are monitored and assessed so that the impact of the application of Embrapa's recommendations can be learned.
In 2013, technicians and Demonstrative Units were selected. The technicians have undergone training and the Demonstrative Units have been visited by members of the program. With the submission of this project, the group that is working on the progra ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

The Brangus-Ibagé and Canchim breeds are important options in beef cattle breeding systems. Developed in Brazil on government farms that are now Embrapa research units (Pecuária Sul and Pecuária Sudeste), these units house the original herds used to characterize animals and provide superior genetic material. The production sector demands improvements in specific areas, including tick and endoparasite resistance, temperament, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, efficient use of inputs (food and wat ...

Status: In progress     Start date: Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2024