
    Embrapa is an innovation-driven company that focuses on the generation of knowledge and technology for Brazilian agriculture

    The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), under the aegis of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), was established in 1973 to develop the technological foundation for a genuinely tropical model of agriculture and animal farming. The initiative has been tasked with providing Brazil with food security and a leading position in the international market for food, fiber and energy.

    In order to meet such continuous challenge, in permanent dialogue with farmers, scientific organizations and both government and civil leaders, Embrapa is guided by the following tenets:

    • scientific excellence in agricultural research,
    • crops and livestock production efficiency and quality,
    • environmental sustainability
    • social aspects,
    • partnerships with the production sector.
  • Mission

    To create research, development and innovation solutions to ensure the sustainability of agriculture, for the benefit of Brazilian society.



  • Vision

    To be a protagonist and essential partner in the generation and use of knowledge for the sustainable development of Brazilian agriculture.

Values Values

The values that are placed on Embrapa and staff's practices and behavior are:

  • 1. Reliability and Integrity

    We are reliable because we cultivate and practice ethical and moral commitment in all of our activities, providing integrity to our company.

  • 2. Respect

    We are open to the new and we believe both in personal and professional growth based on respect for diversity of people and opinions.
  • 3. Cooperation

    We aim to interact with all the strata that generate knowledge and technology and respective beneficiaries by generating impact through the technologies developed by us and our partners.
  • 4. Innovation

    We seek creative and innovative solutions that add value to the products and services that we develop.
  • 5. Excellence

    We are commited to our work and make efforts to deliver high-quality results.
  • 6. Social-environmental responsibility

    We aim to leverage socioeconomic welfare in harmony with the environment through innovative knowledge and solutions that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Challenges Challenges


    Production Efficiency

    Permanent goal of production efficiency in agriculture, which in the recent past has allowed the possibility of three harvests in the same crop year and now ensures constant growth in productivity and successive harvest records. 


    Scientific excellence

    Skills training for researchers and updates in laboratories to mantain the corporation's capacity to stay at the frontiers of knowledge and thus ensure the competitiveness of Brazilian agriculture.



    Sustainable Production

    The rational use of natural resources and concern with environmental conservation can be described as a goal of “sustainable production” in more current terms.


    Inclusion in production

    The task of informing public policy to reduce social and economic inequalities that comprise the rural poverty scenario in Brazil.

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Institutional documents Institutional documents