Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Regional feedstuff composition tables and software to formulate diets for maximum bioeconomic efficiency for dairy cattle in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has the second highest state production of milk in the Brazilian Federation. Such an activity is widespread throughout the state, involving a significant share of farmers, with great economic and social relevance for generating wealth and income and contributing to the maintenance of a significant share of the state's population in the countryside. RS is located in a region with temperate clime, which has peculiar characteristics of climate, soil, vegetation cover, cattle breeds specialized in milk production and availability of regional feeds which differ from those occurring in the tropical region of Brazil, thus demanding adaptation and initiatives of research, development and innovation aimed at this regional reality of the dairy sector. Therefore, it is of paramount importance make available a complete and updated regional table on the composition and nutritional value of the feeds commonly utilized in the diets of dairy herds in RS with also a specific association with software for formulating diets of maximum bioeconomic efficiency for these herds. As a result of this project, the "Regional Tables of Feed Composition for Dairy Cattle in the State of Rio Grande do Sul" were developed and, until this moment, they are available on line in a dissertation of the Professional Master's program in Animal Nutrition and Production of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology in the Southeast of Minas Gerais. These tables are based upon the collection of data on the composition and nutritional value of regional feeds traditionally employed in dairy farming in RS, as available in research, teaching and extension institutions. Data were also generated for regional feeds that did not have sufficient information available. Thus, a database was organized, becoming a source for useful information for the dairy farmer. In addition, the Calculeite software was developed and made available online to formulate diets with the best bioeconomic benefit for dairy cattle from the data recorded in these tables. Taking into account that the information available in the tables of feed compositions and nutritional values for cattle are basic pillars for the formulation of adequately balanced diets, the availability and adoption of this information by dairy farmers is likely to contribute to obtaining a product with lower cost and better nutritional and environmental quality, leading to increased productivity, thus maximizing the efficiency of the milk production systems in RS. In view of the state tradition in milk production and the socioeconomic importance of dairy activity for RS, it is estimated that the increase in the efficiency of local production systems conferred by the adoption of the tables/software tool can allow the scientifically based use of feeds for the formulation of diets, contribute to the support and advancement of the dairy activity and contribute to the generation of positive impacts on the cultural, economic, social and environmental aspects related to the development of this productive activity in the state.
Ecosystem: Extreme South
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 Conclusion date: Mon Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Thierry Ribeiro Tomich
Contact: thierry.tomich@embrapa.br