Social Innovation

Embrapa contributes with the strengthening of collective action, creation, development and appropriation of new knowledge and practices to build local capacities that make societies resilient and sustainable, making it possible to overcome social challenges.

Embrapa has developed research projects aimed at this theme organized in the Portfolio Social Innovation in Agriculture.

The goal is to find solutions for social and environmental problems through the segments: territorial social innovation, territorial development, and territorial multifunctionality.


Learn more about Embrapa's Research Portfolios.

Back to the start

Agriculture largely contributes to Brazil's economy, but it is not just about that. It needs to be analyzed in all of its complexity, that is, as a space that is not restricted to the production area itself. The rural environment is also the place where a large variety of people live, to whom agriculture is not only their livelihood, but above all their identity and culture. Its social reproduction is connected to environmental conservation, food security for families, and often as a provider of environmental and ecosystem services, water and energy, spaces and leisure.

In the light of Social Innovation, Embrapa is understood as part of the innovation ecosystem, in a specific territorial context. Its actions are the result of the dialogue with different actors (people, organizations, institutions), which are mobilized by problem situations and which collectively build alternatives or solutions to challenges that are experienced within social groups and sociotechnical networks.

In that sense, Embrapa acts largely through research, development and innovation projects, which are designed and implemented with different partners and networks, thus co-creating solutions that are suited to different realities.

Successful results, which contribute to overcoming problems, are shared with society so that they can work as a reference for other places.



Circle of knowledge in the construction of Social Innovation


Design: Margarida Gorga Translation: Mariana Medeiros


Social Innovation and Family Farming


Social Innovation combines scientific knowledge with folk knowledge, and values the identity, culture and tradition of traditional family farmers, peoples and communities. From the local reality and the exchange of knowledge something new is built. That innovation promotes the sustainable use of natural resources and the improvement of quality of life, of food security and safety, and of income generation for farmers.



InovaSocial Program



Embrapa coordinates the Program of Support for Social Innovation and Sustainable Territorial Development (InovaSocial), which is aimed at changing the socioeconomic reality of populations in vulnerable situations mainly through the production and commercialization of agricultural genres, which are differentiated by the identity of a territory/place


Projeto em parceria com a Rede Quirera  de agricultores familiares  que desenvolve produtos e processos de grande relevância para as comunidades locais, visando sua  segurança alimentar e nutricional.  Novos produtos de qualidade com o sabor local e ricos em compostos bioativos estão sendo desenvolvidos, agregando  valor nutricional às farinhas e produtos de panificação, considerando boas práticas de fabricação e adequação à legislação vigente, com a intenção de promover sua oferta nos mercados tradicionais e institucionais. 



O projeto propõe o enriquecimento das lavouras anuais e dos plantios monoculturais de guaraná, agregando espécies alimentícias e para adubação verde, ampliando a biodiversidade dos plantios e aumentando as opções de produtos para comercialização. As abelhas  melíponas serão integradas na produção de guaraná com a  finalidade de melhorar a polinização dos guaranazeiros, ampliando assim a produção e gerando renda com a comercialização do mel das abelhas sem ferrão.



O projeto propõe o desenvolvimento em conjunto com as comunidades de agricultores de Goiás de processo de manejo agroecológico de milho e feijão, bem como a seleção de cultivares de feijão e milho adaptadas a sistemas agroecológicos de produção no Cerrado, com boa produtividade. 



O projeto desenvolve uma plataforma e-commerce com as funcionalidades apropriadas para a comercialização do queijo artesanal dos produtores da Aproalagoa, visando a agregação de valor ao produto por meio da melhoria de posicionamento no mercado, aumentando a venda direta ao consumidor.  



A Embrapa coordena o Programa de Apoio à Inovação Social e ao Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável (InovaSocial), voltado para a mudança na realidade socioeconômica de populações em situação de vulnerabilidade, principalmente pela produção e comercialização de gêneros agropecuários, diferenciados pela identidade de um território/lugar.