Busca de Produtos e Serviços Busca de Produtos e Serviços
Cassava BRS Novo Horizonte

Photo: LOPES, Anapaula Rosário
Variety for industrial use with high root and dry matter productivity and high starch quality.
BRS Novo Horizonte is suitable for mechanized planting in the micro-regions of Valença, Jequié and Santo Antônio de Jesus (BA).
Another advantage is the light-colored shell, which facilitates the extraction of starch without dark traces, increasing the quality of the product for the food industry that uses native starch, such as the tapioca starch industry.
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).
Where to find:
Instituto Biofábrica da Bahia
Endereço: Parque Fabril - Banco do Pedro Rod. BA, 262, Ilhéus/Uruçuca - Km 32, CEP: 45658-340, Ilhéus - BA. Telefone: (73) 3689-6001
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2018
Country: Brazil Region: Northeast State: Bahia Biome: Atlantic Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits
Keywords: Amido, Mecanização, Mandioca, Indústria, Raízes