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BRS Utinga - white cowpeas

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Photo: Rosa, Ronaldo

BRS Utinga is a rugged white cowpea cultivar with a large bean size. It has excellent grain quality, high production potential and a modern architecture that suits both manual and mechanized harvesting. Cowpeas [ Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] are a protein and energy source that plays an important role in food and nutritional security in Brazil's North and Northeast. This production chain generates income and involves a range from family farmers, smallholders, mid-scale farmers, to large producers at corporate level. Characteristics of BRS Utinga: • Nutritious grains: average content of 25% protein, 4.3 mg/100 g of iron, and 3.6 mg/100 g of zinc; • Weight of 100 grains: 27 g; • Average cooking time: 11 minutes; • Recommended for the following regions: Pará state; • Recommendation for cultivation: small, medium and large farms, ideal for "off-season" cultivation; • Average yield: 1332 kg/ha; • Production potential: up to 2,362 kg/ha; • Plant architecture: semi-erect; • Type of harvest: manual and mechanized harvesting; • Maturation cycle: medium-early (70 to 75 days); • Reaction to diseases: resistance to common mosaic and moderate resistance to aphid-borne mosaic and golden mosaic viruses, and to the mildew fungus. HIGHLIGHTS - Excellent yield potential; - Semi-erect and resistant to lodging; - Suitable for small, medium and large-scale cultivation; - Large rugged white beans; - High commercial quality; - Excellent visual appeal that can facilitate market acceptance.

Where to find:
Rodovia BR 163, s/n - Zona Rural, Sorriso - MT, 78.890-000
Telefone: 66 996047017 / 3907-7300
E-mail: elizeu@brasilagropulses.com

Vila Fátima, Tracuateua, Pará.
Telefone: (91) 98876-4670
E-mail: dutramilenio@yahoo.com.br

Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2023

Country: Brazil Region: North State: Pará Biome: Amazon Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

Participating Units: Embrapa Mid-North

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