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Technological solutions and innovation: Embrapa in the year of family farming.

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Autoria: EMBRAPA

Resumo: Challenges and new horizons for the strengthening of family farming; Embrapa’s studies benefit family farming and Brazilian traditional populations; Basic sanitation: a solution to improve quality of life in the fields; Technology for sustainable agricultural and livestock system; Adoption of sustainable techniques contribute toward the recovery of agriculture in the Rio de Janeiro mountain region; Embrapa has equipment certified as Social Technologies; Margarida Maria Alves Settlement celebrates good harvest of colored organic cotton; Underground dam increases the chances of harvest in dryland farming; Simple techniques improve the production of goats in the Semiarid region; Actions bet on family farmers’ potentials; Irrigation project transforms the reality of family farmers in Bahia; Community Vegetable Patch now uses irrigation system; Barraginhas and ponds change the reality of the producers; Organic sesame Viable option for family farmers from the Northeast; Wealth in the form of seeds; Artisan Breadmaking: improvement in food quality and generation of income; Fruit Backyard for food security; Traditional Vegetables aim at enriching the diet of rural populations; Agroecological Transition praises farmers’ knowledge; Pineapple cultivation changes the reality of municipality in Bahia; Partnership with focus on technology transfer; Garlic for family farmers; Project foresees virus free sweet potato branches; Tomato crop’s performance surprises farmers from Ceará; The challenges of women in agriculture; Planning and technical assistance contribute toward development of family farmers in São Carlos; Convention with the NGO Cultivar takes technology for Santa Inês sheep farming; Partnership will generate quality goats and sheep; Studies show feasibility of the Passion Seeds for family farmers; Biofortified seeds are already a reality in the fields; Mini-libraries awaken the liking for reading and contribute toward rural development; Family livestock farming in Rio Grande do Sul included in the agenda of public policies; Project trains farmers and seeks solutions for pest and disease of the cupuassu tree; Brazil plum agroindustry: greater income for the communities; Family farming motivated by cultivation of Cachinho rice; Gliricidia: an alternative to feed herds in the Semiarid region; Prosa Rural: the help that comes from the radio; Ideal piglet earns R$ 21 million per year; Alternatives for maintaining soil quality in Acre; Primers guide small-scale dairy farmers in the use of accessible technologies; AFS: alternative means of income for the smallholder; Embrapa’s Sisteminha becomes alternative to fight hunger and misery; Brazil’s cooperation in Africa focuses mainly on family farming; Knowledge Exchange.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Livros