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BRS FC104: super-early carioca seeded common bean cultivar with high yield potential.

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Autoria: MELO, L. C.; PEREIRA, H. S.; FARIA, L. C. de; AGUIAR, M. S. de; COSTA, J. G. C. da; WENDLAND, A.; CABRERA DIAZ, J. L.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; COSTA, A. F. da; ALMEIDA, V. M. de; MELO, C. L. P. de; ITO, M. A.; MAGALDI, M. C. de S.; SOUZA, N. P. de; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de

Resumo: BRS FC104 is a carioca seeded common bean cultivar with super-early maturity (mean of 65 days; emergence to physiological maturity) and disease resistance superior to other early maturity carioca seeded cultivars. Is is recommended for growing in 21 Brazilian states and has high yield potential (3792 kg ha-1), a mean yield of 2186 kg ha-1, and 6.9% higher mean of the relative yield compared to the control cultivars.

Ano de publicação: 2019

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico