LGBV - Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology

Research Lines

Biotechnology, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, phenomics and genetic improvement of microorganisms and plants.

Structure and equipment

With a total area of 162.22 m2, the laboratory is divided in three areas: the main hall, an electrophoresis room and an ultrafreezer room. The laboratory also includes a conviron room, a phenotyping room, and a plant tissue culture room. It has a real-time PCR system, a vacuum concentrator, a NanoDrop DNA/RNA analyzer, a biobalistics system, 8 laminar flow hoods, 6 thermal cyclers, 13 centrifuges, 9 complete electrophoresis systems and 2 photo documentation systems, refractometers, spectrophotometers, shakers, and greenhouses. It has a bioinformatics room with 3 blade servers (Intel DL 380 G5, Intel DL 380 G and AMD DL 785 G5) and 1 IBM TS3100 robot backup. It has advanced plant phenotyping facilities, with special focus on plants with resistance to drought stress, with equipment such as a phytotron, Conviron plant growth chamber, UV-Vis hyperspectral camera, IRGA (Infrared Gas Analyser), thermographic camera and chlorophyll imaging fluorometer.