Different assets available for partnerships Different assets available for partnerships


    Several of Embrapa's assets are available for partnerships.
    Browse and discover how to generate technological solutions that add value to businesses and enable innovations in the agricultural production sector.
    Follow the new features on this page and the new assets that will be periodically introduced in the different portfolios.

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Portfolio of assets Portfolio of assets

  • Technical-Scientific Methodologies

    New protocols or new sets of systematized and standardized procedures to obtain data and information of a technical and scientific nature, which are developed and proposed based on the implementation of RD&I project activities.

  • Strains and other isolates

    A group of microorganisms with a common ancestor that share morphological or physiological similarities, which are generally applicable to the production of food, beverages, coloring, additives or energy.


  • Plant production

    Techniques and inputs for crop production and management, to optimize the use of resources and increase productivity and profitability in plant production.



  • Animal Production

    Techniques and inputs to raise, exploit and breed domestic animals, with the aim of profiting from quality products obtained in hygiene, health and animal welfare conditions, with due respect to the environment and consumer health.


  • Digital Agriculture

    Set of technological resources used to digitize field activities and increase the efficiency of agricultural production.



  • Food and Beverages

    Products or processes for the production of food and beverages that can be traded/transferred to the market as they contain superior or distinct characteristics, adding nutritional value and/or new colors, smells and flavors.


  • Waste

    Processes that can be applied to the treatment, elimination or detection of waste aiming at adequate disposal and mitigation of environmental impacts.



  • Machinery and equipment

    Set of parts that were organized and/or developed to produce and/or transmit movement, force or energy, which can be mechanical, electrical, electronic and/or digital or mechanical systems that can be coupled to machines/equipment or animals and perform specific functions.


  • Sistemas Integrados

    Visam a produção sustentável, integrando atividades agrícolas, pecuárias e florestais realizadas na mesma área, em cultivo consorciado, em sucessão ou rotacionado, e busca efeitos sinérgicos entre os componentes do agroecossistema, contemplando a adequação ambiental, a valorização do homem e a viabilidade econômica. 

    Biotechnology-based assets

    (coming soon)

    Functionally characterized molecular tools and/or components, such as molecular markers, genes, regulatory sequences, vectors, nucleic acids/proteins for gene silencing/editing, etc. They are generally used for the modification and genetic improvement of plants, microorganisms and animals. 



    Biological Collection

    (coming soon)

    Banks and collections of animal, microbial and plant species, conservation centers and other biological materials, classified into the following subtypes: nuclear collection; gene bank; microorganism bank or collection; bank of extracts, compounds or substances; zoological collection; herbarium; and animal conservation center.



    Enzymes and other catalysts

    (coming soon)

    Organic substances (generally proteinaceous in nature) with catalytic function and intra- or extracellular activity. They can accelerate the speed of chemical reactions that occur in living beings without being consumed during such reactions.


  • Others

    Diverse agricultural practices, processes and systems.

Assets per partnership goals Assets per partnership goals

  • Codevelopment

    Participation in conception, definitions and changes to asset requirements and asset development, with full mastery of the technology to reach technology readiness level of prototyping stage (TRL/MRL 5).
  • Technical and/or Industrial Validation

    Testing on a pilot scale/relevant environment and/or industrial scale/operational environment to check whether the technical (agronomic, methodological or other) and/or industrial functionalities of the technological asset comply with performance requirements it was idealized for, to reach technological readiness level TRL/MRL 6 and/or 7.
  • Market and/or Commercial Validation

    Testing on a commercial scale with target audience to check whether the technologial asset meets customer (consumer/user) needs. That provides indicators to improve the placement of the asset in the market/production sector. It aims at assessing the asset's commercial viability regarding price, packaging, logistics, legal requirements, among others. Such validation can take place by TRL/MRL 8.
  • Market development

    Insertion of technological asset in the market with the goal of creating, stimulating or broadening market niches, penetrating geographic ranges and/or client segments. Market development activities can take place by TRL/MRL 9.
  • Asset licensing

    Permission to produce, use, modify, sell or distribute a given piece of knowledge, technology or patent, according to conditions stipulated by licensing contract. 
  • Brand licensing

    Permission to use the Embrapa Technology seal, according to conditions stipulated by licensing contract. It does not necessarily involve a licensing contract for production and/or sale.

    Cooperation with Embrapa

    Embrapa establishes partnerships with different kinds of private and public organizations, in Brazil and abroad, to strengthen the interaction between the production and social environments.

    The main goal of such partnerships is encouraging innovation, which can be reached through different fronts involving scientific and technological Research and Development; the generation of products, processes and services; technology transfer; and institutional development.


    Partnership categories

    Learn the kinds of partnership that Embrapa offers below, which can also be tailored to different needs.

    Contact us to make strategic alliances to benefit agriculture and society.

    Partnership Structuring Team


    R&D Projects

    We share knowledge, resources and infrastructure for the development of new technologies and obtainment of results of common interest.

    Know-how transfer

    We have knowledge and techniques that add benefits for users when suitably applied.
  • Licensing

    We establish partnerships to produce, use, sell or explore technological assets and solutions, knowledge, or patents in the production sector.


    We provide lab analyses, product tests, mapping, zoning, planning, expert analyses, technical advice and consultancy, monitoring, capacity-building, and others.

Lines of RD&I support and funding Lines of RD&I support and funding