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Heat along with high humidity is one of the causes of impaired milk production and fertility of cattle, especially in the summer or in tropical and semitropical regions. Such problems can be aggravated with the prospect of global warming. In the hottest regions of Brazil there is a preference for crossbred Holstein (H) X zebu (Z), mainly Gir (G) cattle that form the Girolando synthetic breed whose composition is mainly ⅝ GxH. Girolando animals are more tolerant to heat than breeds of European or

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2015

The growing demand for a sustainable energy matrix and the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels make the energy obtained from biomass a prominent option. The major uses of biomass as energetic input are the production of thermal energy (direct combustion, charcoal and residues), production of mechanic energy (alcohol and bio-oils), production of electricity (through combustion, gasification or gas burning), and production of other components of the so called green chemistry (bioproducts and

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2014

In Brazil, milk production is practiced by more than one million farmers, mostly smallholders, who have in pastures and swards for green chop the most important sources for cattle feeding. Dairy agribusiness plays a significant role in food supply for the domestic market, in the generation of jobs and income for the population and in recent years has also become increasingly important in the Country’s export line. The intensification of animal production systems demands the use of forage species

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/03/2016

Pasture as an exclusive feeding source accounts for almost 90% of the beef consumed in Brazil and for most of the nearly 35 billion liters of milk produced annually in the country. It is estimated today that, in Brazil, grasses of the genus Brachiaria are cultivated in approximately 84 million hectares. In Brazil, the most cultivated species of Brachiaria are B. decumbens, B. brizantha, B. humidicola and B. ruziziensis. With the increasing agricult ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

Pastures assume a prominent position in the Brazilian agricultural scenario, covering about three quarters of the cultivated area nationwide. In addition to the physical aspect, pastures are the main feeding source for the Brazilian herd. Pastures account for almost 90% of the beef consumed in Brazil and for most of the 21 billion liters of milk produced annually in the country. It is estimated today that in Brazil grasses of the genus Brachiaria are cultivated in approximately 84 millio

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2008

Yuca is a highlighted culture for the state of Pará, not only for its importance in the state's cuisine, but also for representing a source of income for thousands of agriculture producers. The culture can also give support to the state's agro-industry, by means of supplying raw materials used in the fabrication of many products. In order to be incremented in the state of Pará, the yuca culture needs to go through a genetic improvement program, in the hopes of obtaining material which is more ad ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2010

The identification of animals with more efficiency in feed utilization is one of the alternatives to overcome the challenges as increased production costs, increased consumer awareness regarding food safety, animal welfare and environmental impacts of the agriculture and livestock. As feeding expenses account for the main cost of livestock activity, differences among animals in converting diet to beef and milk are of great relevance. Animals that use feed more efficiently need to consume less to

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/07/2017

The productivity indices of dairy farming in Brazil are low when compared to countries with technologically advanced dairy farming. Productivity can be significantly improved through the use of animals with higher genetic value for milk production and appropriate management techniques. Worldwide, the Holstein breed is predominant for milk production, being also the most used in Brazil, both as a pure breed and in crosses, as a contribution to the development of the Girolando breed. In this proje

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2007

Smallholder Capsicum pepper growers in Uganda are operating below the ideal levels of agricultural production due to a lack of improved varieties, low quality seed systems and the devastation caused by pests and diseases. The damages caused by diseases are aggravated by the cultivation of susceptible germplasm and the use of poor quality seeds. In order to increase production and competitiveness in the market, farmers need to have access to clean seeds of cultivars that are tolerant to diseas


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2015

Due to the importance of leguminous vegetables for human diets, the year of 2016 was declared by FAO the International Year of Pulses. Pulses are well appreciated in Brazil, and are consumed either fresh or in the form of processed products. Internal consumption has required frequent imports of such pulses; for peas and chickpeas alone, they represented US$ 14 million a year. The domestic market tends to expand due to the constant association of such foods with a series of attributes of high foo

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/11/2016